Claim: A photo circulating on social media shows renowned religious scholar Maulana Tariq Jamil critically injured in a traffic accident. Fact: Maulana Yousaf Jamil, the son of the scholar, has clarified that Maulana Tariq is fine and has not been injured in an accident. In fact, the viral photo shows another cleric, Maulana Azad Jameel, […]
Claim: Maulana Tariq Jamil has died. Fact: Maulana Tariq Jamil has not died. On 4 January 2023, YouTube channel Mudassar Online posted a video claiming that Pakistani preacher Maulana Tariq Jamil had passed away. The clip, archived here, is titled as follows: “افسوس ناک خبر مولانا طارق جمیل اچانک کے انتقال کر گئے کینیڈا سے […]