

True False

Claim: A video claims to show an eight-foot-long centipede. Fact: The video was generated using artificial intelligence. Its creator has confirmed that he made it using Runway’s Gen-3 Alpha tool. On 26 June 2024, BOL News posted (archive) a viral video on its Instagram account, @bolnetwork, comprising two different footages that allegedly depict a giant […]

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True False

Claim: Viral posts on social media claimed that Dr Gilbert A Kwak, a professor at ICBS General Hospital, stated that hot fig water can cure cancer and that hot figs can “destroy” cancer cells. Fact: Although test tube studies have shown that figs possess some anti-cancer properties, there is no credible evidence to support the […]

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True False

Claim: An image shows a nuclear bomb test conducted in Balochistan in 1998. Fact: The picture shows a nuclear bomb test in Yucca Flat, Nevada in 1951, when the USA carried out a series of atmospheric bomb tests during the Cold War. On 28 May 2024, X user @KhalidaBaloch02 posted (archived) a picture apparently showing […]

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True False

Claim: New technology allows hackers to extract fingerprints from photographs posted online where a person’s fingertips are visible, when making a peace sign, for example. These biometric details can then be used to hack into someone’s phone or commit a range of cybercrimes, including bypassing authentication processes and hacking into banking accounts. A good way […]

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True False

Claim: Cosmic rays from outer space will enter Earth between 12:30 am and 3:30 am, around the time of the solar eclipse, and harm human bodies through digital devices. Fact: No scientific evidence exists that cosmic rays can pass through digital devices and harm human bodies. This false claim has circulated online time and again […]

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True False

Claim: A viral Snapchat mashup shows several video clips of the recent rainstorm in the UAE. Fact: All ten of these clips are from last year, 2023.  On 16 April 2024, Soch Fact Check received a request to verify a mashup of video clips which was “Forwarded many times” on WhatsApp. The video shows multiple […]

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True False

Claim: Director General of WHO Dr Tedros Adhanom has said that Disease X is a global problem and that we should be prepared for it. Fact: The World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos discussed Disease X, a hypothetical outbreak. Disease X is not a specific disease but is the name given to a potential novel […]

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True False

Claim: A viral Instagram video from a profile called “” claims to show meteors hitting the Earth in real-time.  Fact: The video uses computer-generated graphics and it is evident that this could not be real because the video shows meteors firing up with a trail of smoke a long time before they even reach Earth’s […]

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True False

Claim: India’s Narendra Modi and Joe Biden are seen taking a stroll together and sharing a meal. Both are wearing traditional dresses, an orange turban, and garlands of marigolds in some pictures. Fact: None of the photos are real; they are AI-generated images. On 11 September 2023, Instagram user @nagulachandugoud posted an Instagram Reel showing […]

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True False

Claim: Social media posts show a church in Boston which caught fire after lightning struck it during a same-sex marriage ceremony. All attendees died during the fire. Fact: The church caught fire due to a storm after lightning struck it in June 2023. There was no wedding taking place at the time of the incident […]

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True False

Claim: A social media video shows a newborn baby being rescued after a powerful earthquake hit Morocco on 8 September 2023. Fact: The claim about the video is misleading. The video is from India, where a newly born baby was rescued by locals and shifted to a hospital in Pulandar village. According to recent reports, […]

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True False

Claim: Instagram user @Zarishkayy says a document proves that the United Nations (UN) plans an “end of the family system” and intends to force parents to give up their children so that the “kids belong to the state” through movements such as for the rights of the transgender community. The document contains a list of […]

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