Claim: A video claims that it shows Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) election rally at Lahore in March 2023.
Fact: The claim is false as the video is not from March 2023 but is actually from October 2022 when PTI started its Azadi March from the Lahore area of Liberty Chowk towards Islamabad.
On 13 March 2023, a video was shared by a verified account of Imran Afzal Raja on Twitter with an Urdu caption that translated into English reads, “My eyes have seen the scenes in Lahore today that our elders would have seen in the freedom movement of 1947. Now, this movement is not going to stop, and it will sweep away whatever comes forward.”
Fact or Fiction?
Soch Fact Check conducted a reserve image search on the video keyframes and found the same video posted on Twitter by a PTI member on 28 October 2022. The video refers to last year’s Long March by Imran Khan towards Islamabad against the coalition government.
A similar video was posted by a Twitter user here on the same day in which a similar location can be observed.
Hum News also posted a video of the PTI Long Azadi March and similarities can be seen below:
The video on Twitter received 292.5k views, 14,000 likes, and 6,500 retweets. It can also be seen here, and here.
On Facebook, the false video was shared here, here, here and here.
Conclusion: The video does not show the PTI election rally in March 2023; it actually shows the 2022 Haqeeqi Azadi March.
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